Akom Film Production (Animation KOrea Movie Productions) is an animation studio in South Korea. They provided animation for the original Animaniacs and Pinky and the Brain. Most notably, they animated most of the Chicken Boo cartoons, many Goodfeathers cartoons, as well as shorts for many other characters.
Animaniacs Productions[]
Animaniacs (Original Series)[]
- Both versions of the Chicken Boo Intro
- "Goodfeathers: The Beginning" ( Episode 4)
- "Operation: Lollipop" (Episode 6)
- "Cat on a Hot Steel Beam" (Episode 14)
- "Hurray for Slappy" (Episode 16)
- "Chicken Boo-Ryshnikov" (Episode 18)
- "Nothing But the Tooth" (Episode 18)
- "The Boids" (Episode 20)
- "Davy Omelette" (Episode 21)
- "Four Score and Seven Migraines Ago" (Episode 21)
- "Opportunity Knox" (Episode 24)
- "Wings Take Heart" (Episode 24)
- "You Risk Your Life" (Episode 27)
- "Mesozoic Mindy" (Episode 28)
- "The Good, the Boo, and the Ugly" (Episode 28)
- "Moon Over Minerva" (Episode 30)
- "Skullhead Boneyhands" (Episode 30)
- "Puttin' on the Blitz" (Episode 31)
- "Planets Song" (Episode 32)
- "Astro-Buttons" (Episode 32)
- "Noah's Lark" (Episode 33)
- "The Big Kiss" (Episode 33)
- "Katie Ka-Boo" (Episode 35)
- "Dough Dough Boys" (Episode 37)
- "Boot Camping" (Episode 37)
- "White Gloves" (Episode 39)
- "The Slapper" (Episode 40)
- "Raging Bird" (Episode 41)
- "Hollywoodchuck" (Episode 42)
- "The World Can Wait" (Episode 44)
- "Kiki's Kitten" (Episode 44)
- "Icebreakers" (Episode 48)
- "Jingle Boo" (Episode 50)
- "Girlfeathers" (Episode 53)
- "A Gift of Gold" (Episode 55)
- "Kung Boo" (Episode 56)
- "Super Buttons" (Episode 61)
- "Katie Ka-Boom: The Driving Lesson" (Episode 61)
- "Witch One" (Episode 62)
- "Mermaid Mindy" (Episode 63)
- "Katie Ka-Boom: Call Waiting" (Episode 63)
- "We're No Pigeons" (Episode 67)
- "Whistle-Stop Mindy" (Episode 67)
- "Miami Mama-Mia" (Episode 68)
- "Pigeon on the Roof" (Episode 68)
- "Bad Mood Bobby" (Episode 69)
- "Bingo" (Episode 71)
- "The Presidents Song" (Episode 75)
- "Don't Tread on Us" (Episode 75)
- "This Pun for Hire" (Episode 77)
- "Star Truck" (Episode 77)
- "Multiplication" (Episode 77)
- "Dot's Entertainment" (Episode 80)
- "The Girl with the Googily Goop" (Episode 80)
- "Hello Nurse" (Episode 82)
- "Jokahontas" (Episode 85)
- "A Very Very Very Very Special Show" (Episode 86)
- "Anchors A-Warners" (Episode 87)
- "Papers for Papa" (Episode 88)
- "Amazing Gladiators" (Episode 88)
- "Pinky and the Ralph" (Episode 88)
- "Ten Short Films About Wakko Warner" (Episode 89)
- "No Time for Love" (Episode 89)
- "Mindy in Wonderland" (Episode 90)
- "Back in Style" (Episode 91)
Pinky and the Brain[]
- Various pieces of Animaniacs archival footage used in the show's intro
- "Of Mouse And Man" (Episode 2)[note 1]
- "TV or Not TV" (Episode 6)
- "Snowball" (Episode 9)
- "Around the World in 80 Narfs" (Episode 10)
- "Fly" (Episode 11)
- "Ambulatory Abe" (Episode 12)
- "Mouse of La Mancha" (Episode 12)
- "The Third Mouse" (Episode 13)
- "The Visit" (Episode 13)
- "Collect 'Em All" (Episode 15)
- "Pinkasso" (Episode 15)
- "Brain's Song" (Episode 18)
- "The Maze" (Episode 22)
- "Brinky" (Episode 24)
- "Leave it to Beavers" (Episode 26)
- "Where the Deer and the Mousealopes Play" (Episode 28)
- "Say What, Earth" (Episode 29)
- "Brain Storm" (Episode 33)
- "The Pinky Protocol" (Episode 35"
- "Brainy Jack" (Episode 43)
- Select archival footage in the episodes "Schpiel-borg 2000" (Episode 48) and "The Pinky and the Brain Reunion Special" (Episode 63)
- ↑ Wang is erroneously credited for animating "Of Mouse And Man."
Animation Studios |
Animaniacs (1993-1998) |
TMS (Shanghai Morning Sun Animation) | Wang Film Productions | StarToons | Akom | Freelance | Varga | Koko Enterprises | Philippine Animation Studio Inc |
Pinky and the Brain (1995-1998) |
Wang Film Productions (StarToons) | Akom | TMS | Rough Draft Studios |
Pinky, Elmyra and the Brain (1998-1999) |
Rough Draft Studios | Wang Film Productions |
Wakko's Wish (1999) |
Animaniacs (2020-2023) |
Snipple Animation Studios | Titmouse | Giant Ant | Studio Yotta | Tonic DNA | Yowza! Animation | Saerom Animation | Tiger Animation | Digital eMation | Screen Novelties | Warner Bros. Animation | Birdo | Flystudio |
Other |
Riverstreet Productions | Funnybone Interactive | Primal Screen | Studio Showoff | PunkRobot Studio |